
Older, not so wise yet

Oh boy, I've been of this blog for such a long time I thought I would never write over here again. Still, I like to recap about my time as a fashionblogger and why I think I might be too old now... Or am I just be a tad insecure?
distance stripes in a meadow: how Mlle W!
  1. Too old for fashionblogging? Oh, there are so many good and quirky ages prancing around blogs these days. But do you really want to be seen as 'older' blogger?
  2. No more a slave to the gym: I still have a good physique with feminine hips and a thin waist but my 3 times hardcore gymwork has been diminished to a softer set of movement. My body looks softer too. Do I need my rockhard abs to get into that bodycon dress?
  3. I'm still an idiot! I guess my idiotic nature gotten me some blogviews in the first place. So many utterly gorgeous people on blogs that only get 2 comments, and my flawed self gotten 20 sometimes.
  4. I'm over most brands. I still feel a thing for Balenciaga but I'm not entirely about their bag-aesthetics yet: their studs need to become as good as they were in 2011! 
  5. I still depend on me! It's an older Destiny's Child song (Independent Woman), Beyonce's former girlsquad. I don't have a photographer and my own work is hilarious...
  6. I'm hair-insecure. Lots happened, I just wish my hair was gawwwjus and blogperfect.
  7. I'm still a narcissistic twat that likes to be seen. And that is a plus why I should go on blogging and doing the absurdly bad photography and poses ;-).

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