
The Realness of Fake

Lately I was in the Primark browsing for some inexpensive frilly buys. I heard one of the boy-cessories (boys that are carried along with shopping girls) saying "It's all fake!"

I chuckled and said "It's a Primark, what do you expect?", but the essential power of the remark stuck with me.

Instagram: often a bunch of [reproduced] happy emotions to show how good we feel at that glamorous location (hi Cara D & friends)

Fashionblogs: How often do I see "I was wearing Prada and I felt miserable in this fancy bar because that girl over there had Celine" photoshoot? Not that much. Reality: it happens!

Hair, teeth, boobs, lips: Lately I've been joking about the "I'm a blonde, I have really long legs" mantra and been changing it in the "I have really long blonde hairs on my legs?". I got that one from a gay friend, btw.

Fact is, most women criticize when a non-natural change about someone looks too fake. But the natural looking ones get our seal of approval above the ones who are actually being natural. In Holland lots of people frown upon fillers & botox but have their hairs dyed at age 15. I mean, when is fake so normal that we think it's real? Or when are beauty rituals considered as normal whereas others are seen as vanity?

The realness of fake is that it works out for us, as long as it looks real enough! People are uncomfortable when you start crying in public. You probably get more likes on that #fakesmile in that #awfulbuttrendy bar while hugging that #nbbf with her #Celine (still #envious). They prefer to see you long blonde hairs on your head instead of your legs or upperlip. And skinny boobs are acceptable when the rest of your body is thin too. As for thin-ness, hide your eating disorder by posting #foodporn (but do not eat any of it!).

 Am I right about this or am I being too real about posting this in words?


  1. you are right about it all...it's all fake...
    geez that last thing about food porn reminded me of a friend I used to have...she's so fucking skinny, like deadly..everyone knows she's anorexic...and her facebook is full of "food porn plates"... yeah, you hide your disorder so well darling -_-
    ...It bums me to see all these fake-ness.. it really does... makes me loose my hope in society... not people... but "society"..the whole system...
    maybe that's another reason why I moved into this small town..life is so so so much more different and natural and careless and real... I guess it all comes down into what makes you happy... if you're happy with fake blonde hair, go for it...if you're happy staying away from the Cara D's and the media, go for it..right? ..we're all so different

    1. Thanks Yvette, you understands. In a way the American mentality is 'fake it until you make it' but I am not sure if the pretending happiness is the way to go: I think bottling up other emotions creates depressions and eating disorders too, let alone talk about other addictions.

      I like Cara because she works her way around her emotions and I believe she's genuinly happy in a variety of her photos. I'm still critical about it all, that expains my article.
